Monday, August 29, 2011

A Letter From The President {Of XPERTECHS, That Is!}

I can’t believe summer is over and school in back in session. Here at
XPERTECHS, we are back in school again also.  Mike and Joel spent 4 days in San Diego attending the ChannelCloud Partner Training course. They had a very intensive session and learned a tremendous amount about Cloud Services and how we can position ourselves to be your “Trusted Cloud Advisors”. Check out our new web site for more information.

Joel also completed his Microsoft Certification exams and is now a Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS). After 1 more test he will have completed his Microsoft Certified IT Professional certification which validates that an individual has the proficiency and comprehensive set of skills to perform enterprise level technology implementation projects. Way to go Joel!!!!

Now that we are back in full swing, my attention is once again focused on
increasing our technical staff. If you know of anyone that has computer
experience and would be looking to work for a great company – pass their name along and we will interview them. If we decide to hire them, we are offering a $500 referral fee!!!

September will be a full month for XPERTECHS as we rollout our newest Cloud Services offerings. If you are considering moving to the Cloud – please give us a call before you make any decisions.

Have a great fall and enjoy the great weather!

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