Thursday, August 25, 2011

Can Your Company's Data and Technology Services Withstand A Natural Disaster... Or Two?

Congratulations! You just survived a 5.9 earthquake! 
Are you prepared for hurricane Irene?
More importantly, are you worried about your company's data and technology?

Last year we discovered a tremendous new backup and disaster recovery system we're calling Backup & Disaster Recovery (BDR). I have to admit when I first saw it, I was skeptical it could deliver the protection and security for such an incredibly low price. But I've spent the last year doing research and testing, and installing over 75 of these BDRs, and have come to find that this is by far, an absolute necessity for all my clients.

From now until September 30th, I have secured a special "Natural Disasters" discount for all of my clients. After the 30th? The prices go back up. 

While your current backup system may be working, there are a lot of problems with it. Problems such as: 

  1. It doesn't back up ALL of your data off-site.
  2. If a problem were to disable your servers, it could cost thousands to restore and would take a few days to get you back up and running.
  3. It doesn't do open file backups OR continuous backups; that means you could lose an entire day's worth of work (and if Murphy's Law applies, that would be the day you completed a 30-page report).
  4. You have to constantly swap out tapes, which leaves room for human error. Plus, tapes have an average failure rate of 100% -- they all fail, it's just a matter of when.
That's why I want to convert you over to our new BDR. Here are six reasons why:

1.  ALL of your data is backed up CONTINUOUSLY throughout the day in 15 minute increments -- even open documents. That means if your server crashes, we can recover your work up to 15 minutes prior to the event.
2.  We AUTOMATICALLY back up all of your data to a highly-secure, off-site location. This eliminates the unreliability of tapes and external hard drives, and protects you if your office is destroyed by an earthquake, flood, fire, and even theft and human error. 
3.  No more swapping tapes! Everything is done automatically.
4.  Should your server crash - or even get destroyed - we'll have a mirror copy of your server, with all the software and settings EXACTLY as you had them that can INSTANTLY become your virtual server. That means you won't be down for days while we rebuild your server!
5.  We can monitor this system 24-7 to make sure it's working. No 'unpleasant surprises' that your backups weren't working.
6.  This will save you a TON of money on offsite backup. This is what amazed me the most -- the price! To get this level of backup and security would normally cost thousands of dollars more, but this new system delivers it at a fraction of the price.

But I have to know you are 'on board' by September 30th in order to receive the XPERTECHS Natural Disasters discount.

After that the normal fees apply.

For more information, please visit our website at and click on Services or call Michael at 410-884-0225. 

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