Friday, October 7, 2011

Your Worst Nightmare... Don't Fret, XPERTECHS Can Help!

Last night I startled out of bed in a cold sweat, heart racing, with fear racing through my mind…and you were the reason for my panic! Was I having a nightmare? Was I just watching too many episodes of “Ghost Hunters?” Maybe taking the Halloween spirit too far? No – it simply occurred to me that you might not know the importance of having a solid backup and disaster recovery plan in place!

And if your server data was erased, corrupted or destroyed because of a hardware malfunction, system crash, fire, flood or some other random, unforeseen disaster, you might not be able to be back up and running again FAST!

And quite honestly, it should scare you too! Just imagine what would
happen if your server went down and you…

· Lost all accounting documentation and history…
· Lost all the work files you’ve spent YEARS developing…
· Lost the work files and documentation you desperately need to
      service your customers…
· Lost all the e-mails you’ve had saved and couldn’t access your

Can you even put a price tag on it? 

Probably not – yet so many business owners aren’t 100% certain that they could be back up and running after a disaster and are purely hoping that their current tape drive or backup is
working and storing a usable copy of their data.

That's why I desperately urge you to contact us today to schedule your
FREE Data Security and Backup Audit – a $300 value. Here’s what you need to do:

1. Call our office at 410-884-0225 and mention this letter.
2. Go to: and sign up for a FREE 2-hour    support visit!

Hurry, offer ends October 31, 2011!!

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