That being said, there are many pros to adopting a Dual-Screen Work Space. The biggest advantage being an increase in productivity.
There have been a number of studies perfdormed over the years that have attempted to calculate the change in productive from using mutliple moniters. According to a study done by Jon Peddie Research, productivity increases an avergae of 42% when using multiple displays.
The Pfieffer Report from 2005 (testing the impact of large monitors and/or multiple monitors) found that improved productivity could result in an ROI of several thousand dollars per year.
While you may be using the primary screen for the bulk of your work, you could have your email or Twitter open all the time in a second browser. While this practice is normally associated with reduced productivity, using a second screen for this purpose can help you to still stay focused on your work while allowing you to quickly scan what is coming through (and respond promptly) with a minor impact on your work. Not to mention that it will help immensely when copying and pasting information from one application to another. No longer any need for data memorization!
Extending your computer to a second screen is actually very easy, although to many people it sounds like it would be more difficult or involved than it really is. If you’ve been wanting to try a dual screen set up but have been putting it off, there’s really no reason not to give it a shot.
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