Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Do You Feel Safe Going Mobile?

A recent poll that was taken by Truste found that consumers are wary of the amount of privacy that remains while using their mobile device. Let's face it, all or most of us are now using smartphones, and these devices hold important information about us: our contacts, location, emails and passwords, just to name a few. Truste reported that 38% of the consumers polled listed privacy as their number one concern with mobile applications. Security was a seemingly close second at 26%.

According to Fran Maier, President and Executive Chair of Truste, "consumers seem to understand that the phone is attached to them, it has their location data, contacts, email, and a lot of other personal data about them and they hold it very privately." Despite this fact, it seems that consumers still desire to have more control over what information they are required to share while using mobile apps. Consumers are choosing which information they are comfortable sharing, and sometimes still avoiding apps that require too much.

IDC's Vice President of Software Solutions, Michael Fauscette explains that he feels that, over time, consumers are getting more and more comfortable with "less privacy." He believes that this trend has been aided by social media giants like Facebook.

The privacy of consumers' information is an essential piece in the future of mobile applications and media. Right now, only about 25% of mobile apps were found to be linked to privacy surveys. It is our hope that this number will continue to rise, as it seems that mobile devices are here to stay.

What are your thoughts? Do you feel comfortable storing information in mobile applications? This is sure to be a hot topic among consumers for some time to come.

Click here for the full article from destinationCRM.com

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