Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Have You Seen My Recent Article?

Once again, I was selected to author an article in a local business newspaper called The Business Monthly. While I struggled to come up with some clever topic, I finally decided to write on the 6 most critical things a SMB must do for a healthy computer network.

I find in my daily travels that many people think of technology as a necessary component of business and do not understand the important core components. Most of them only want it to work without any problems and tend to ignore or forget about the security and health of their network. As long as they don't experience a major crash, outage or disaster they become "numb" to the potential problems that exist. But once a signifacnt problem develops they become alerted to the potential ramifications and begin to seek immediate assistance, even if that comes from unqualified sources.

In fact, most of our new clients come to us after experiencing some type of disaster. In other words, their current IT provider left them "out to dry". Now they are experiencing pain and need someone to rush in and "fix" the problem. Why didn't they call me before the issues occurred. Why didn't they ask for our FREE 27-point Problem Prevention Audit at no obligation?

I wanted to write about these 6 critical measures because I get frustrated about this situation when 100% of these disasters and the restoration costs could have been completely avoided easily and inexpensively with a little planning and proactive maintenance. If you have a few minutes, please read my article, then put these critical measures to test on your network and see how you stack-up.

To read my most recent article "Six Things to Do for A Healty Computer Network", please go to : http://www.xpercare.com/docs/dec2008.pdf

After you have read the article call me to discuss how we can conduct our FREE 27-point Problem Prevention Audit for you with no obiligation. Or click below to sign up now!

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