Thursday, November 19, 2009

If Disaster Strikes, How Fast Could Your Company Be Back Up And Running?

You hear it all the time—back up your data, keep your virus protection current, and install and maintain a firewall to protect yourself from hackers and other online threats.

However, while these precautions will certainly help you avoid problems, they CAN’T do anything if you don’t have a good backup and disaster recovery plan in place.

We all know that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure; yet, disaster recovery planning often takes a distant second to the daily deadlines and pressures of running a business.
That means that most businesses, including your own, may end up offline and without your data after a simple lightening storm.

Don’t think that could ever happen to you? Consider this: “data-erasing disasters” can also take the form of office fires and broken water pipes, not just earthquakes, floods and tornadoes; even more common is software corruption, hardware failures and human error!

Disaster Recovery Questions You Need to Answer
A disaster recovery plan doesn’t have to be complicated, time-consuming or expensive. Start by asking yourself the following questions...

1. Do you back up your company’s data daily to both an onsite and offsite location?

2. Are you absolutely certain that your backup copy is valid, complete and not corrupt? How do you know for sure?

3. If disaster strikes, HOW would you get your data back, and how long would it take? In many cases it takes days and often weeks; what would you do during that period of time?

4. Do you have copies of all the software licenses and discs in a safe location that could be accessed in the event of having to rebuild your server?

5. Would you and your employees have a way to access your network remotely if you couldn't get to the office?

6. Do you store important passwords in a secure place that company officers can access if you are unavailable?

7. Do you have a UPS (uninterruptible power supply) device in place to keep your network and other critical data operations running during a power outage?

This is NOT a complete list, but it is a good start to get you thinking in the right direction. If you cannot answer the seven questions outlined in this article, your network may be an accident waiting to happen. The most important thing for you to do is to take immediate action towards protecting your company ...

How can I do that, you ask? Simple!

Register TODAY for our FREE Lunch-and-Learn Webinar!

When: Tuesday, December 8th, 11:00 AM – 12:15 PM

Where: Here is the great news: you can participate from the comfort of your very own office!

Title: “What Every Business Owner MUST Have In Place NOW To Guarantee a Fast, Easy, And Painless Recovery of Their Data After A Disaster”

For more information and to register, please visit:

As my guest, this webinar won’t cost you a dime, BUT I am limiting attendance to the first 15 people who register; every attendee will also receive a gift certificate of their choice to Clyde’s or Outback Steakhouse as our personal thank you for attending! If you would like to attend, I urge you to visit the website below and register right now while you’re thinking about it:

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