Monday, February 23, 2009

Backup and Disaster Recovery is a HOT Topic

This past Friday, I was fortunate to attend a marketing seminar specifically aimed at IT services companies. Since I am already a member of this international group, I wanted to take a few of my staff to experience the excitement that is happening in the world of IT Managed Services.

During the meeting, many ideas were shared by over 200 people in attendance. The ideas ranged from how to move from a Break-Fix Model to a Managed Services Model; what products are clients buying now; how the current economic situation is affecting our businesses; and how do you offer a flat-rate/"all-you-can-eat" IT services offering. There was so much material covered that I left there thinking I could not possibly do all these things. Then I looked at my colleagues and realized that they were "pumped-up" and ready to go to market.

Thanks to all the people who shared ideas and made the event worth the trip to Dulles (around the Washington Beltway) on a Friday. One of the products we discussed included a BDR solution that offers off-site storage and bare metal restores. This product was a HOT topic for many attendees, since the traditional Tape Backup systems are unreliable and often not managed.

You will be hearing a lot more from me on this product and you can visit my web site to gain additional information at

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